2.8C 1952
鏡頭: 80mm Xenotar, Planar
Internal baffles to eliminate stray light
Extra large focusing knob with built-in film indicator
Adjustable focusing magnifier
Self-locking shutter speed and aperture setting
Fitted counter knob for the Rolleikin accessories
Coupling of film transport and shutter setting can be disconnected to permit intentional double exposures
2.8D 1955
Synchro-Compur shutter with exposure value scale
The XM synchronising lever is combined with the self-timer setting lever.
A coupling release button on the aperture wheel disengages the aperture-speed coupling for independent setting when required
2.8E 1956
Similar to 2.8D but has built-in photo-electric exposure meter and automatic depth of field indicator.
2.8E2 1959
Similar to 2.8E but fitted with a detachable hood and improved extra bright focusing screen.
2.8F 1960
Is like the model 2.8E2 but has the meter coupled to the speed-aperture setting
The Rolleiflex F models have also been available without exporsure meter
2.8F were available with 120/220 option